Sunday, August 14, 2005

I'm in the mood...

I'm in the mood to be viciously selfish.

Some of you are gasping in horror out there, but I just spent the weekend with my bad in-laws (as opposed to the set I like - my husband's parents are divorced) and it sucked. Not terribly. Not as bad as that time I got locked in an elevator for almost two hours with twenty people, one of which was a claustrophobic lady who had a nervous breakdown, screaming continuously "help! help! get me out of here!!" until I started laughing hysterically, which wasn't an appropriate response to the situation, but was the best I could do at the time.

But it was really uncomfortable and creepy crawly, if you know what I mean. That kind of soul sucking, draining experience where everyone is trying to be nice, but there is so much history and bad feelings locked in one small space that you find yourself out on the back porch just so you can breathe.

So I returned home and instead of working on SECRET OBSESSION (my work in progress I owe my agent like yesterday -- I'll have it done on Wednesday night, I promise), I decided I would watch FARSCAPE episodes and make a fat bowl of butterscotch pudding and eat the whole thing.

For the record, I'm not saying my husband's family is any worse than my own. My family is a mess, even if it's carefully hidden from the outside world. It's just hard to know the right thing to do when it's not your family. When his father left before any of got up this morning, do I agree with everyone that he's a jerk, or do I secretly just thank God he's gone??

I didn't do either. I ate a piece of my step-son's birthday cake. It was better than laughing hysterically, I thought, and tastier too. Who says I never learn?


Vanessa Hart said...

I am sorry to hear about your unpleasant company. You deserve the cake and the icing, too!


Jana Armstrong said... kind of party!

In-laws are a tricky business!!!

Gena Showalter said...

I have the same experience with some of my in-laws. The bad history...sigh. Sorry you had such a bad time. I'll say "Cosmo" and leave it at that.

Jaci Burton said...

there's a good reason i like my 'online' family better than the real ones.

well that and i don't have to comb my hair or change out of my jammies to visit any of them *g*

I'm with Gena...cosmos...oh and cake sounds good too ;-)

Anonymous said...

I have inlaws of this ilk.

Say nothing. Visit infrequently. Wear toothgards for all the gritting.

Rinda Elliott said...

Ben Browder can make everything better. Always.

Leigh Wyndfield said...

In-laws are tricky bizness (that's how Jay-Z spells it on a rap song he sings - heh).

I think I WILL go spend time with Ben!! Thanks Rinda for recommending him!!!