Thursday, June 23, 2005

Awaken Me Darkly

Gena Showalter's AWAKEN ME DARKLY has been keeping me glued to my seat at night these days.


Wow! This book really packs a punch, especially when you hit about the middle of the book. Mia Snow, Alien Huntress, is a kick ass heroine with a complex history that has made her who she is, battling alien baddies with style.

Read an excerpt.
Take the Mia Snow Huntress Quiz or get advice from Mia.

For those of you who read it, what did you think?? I'm interested to hear. And very interested that Downtown Press (New American Library) published this book. For those of us who write alternate realities (I'm writing some present day spell casting witches right now), books like this are fun to read and a good sign for our own work.

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