But the other night in a bar with a girlfriend (a very rare occurrence these days), she said this guy was hot. I looked over and my first thought was, "Is he old enough to drink that beer?! They're going to lose their liquor license if they're not careful." (I'm very practical - lol)
And it was then I realized that not only was he old enough to drink legally, but somewhere along the way, when I wasn't looking, I got older. I don't feel older (that's a whole 'nother blog), but my taste in men has seriously shifted to the 30-40 year old men set. You'd think it would make sense, but other women seem to think men in their 20's are sexy. I just think they look young and there is not a cell in my body that thinks young is sexy. It's the truth (yes, yes, I know last RWA Conference I said that young and uncomplicated sounded good to me, but that was just to make all of you laugh). I realized that men without lines in their face and maybe a splash of gray in their hair look kind of feminine and uninteresting to me.
So that started me thinking about it. Then yesterday, I'm reading my new favorite magazine (Esquire), and I'm looking through this huge spread on men's clothes (I need to update my husband's wardrobe - sigh) where they have real men wearing clothes real men wear -- although I'm thinking the lobsterman with the $1000 jacket on isn't all that realistic, even if the jacket is pretty rugged. And I'm flipping through and I stop on this one guy and I'm thinking, "see? Now I think he's hot, but of course he's older. God, when did I get so old this guy looks sexy to me?!" Then I realize it's Viggo Mortensen - BWAHAHAHAHA. Erm, okay, well, I'm thinking just about every woman thinks he's hot. Or maybe I'm wrong? Thoughts on this subject? Please tell me I'm not the only one making this shift!!

No worries. He's hot. Very. Very. Hot.
I think sometimes the younger ones seem hot because we're thinking of all that stamina. And eagerness...
okay,done now.
Who wants conventional? I'll take interesting anyday.
I think he's one of the hottest men on Earth! I looooooooooooove him. And he's unique and interesting. He writes poetry, and takes wonderful photos, and sings really weird music. I love that in a man. Plus he played the reluctant hero so well in LOTR, that it made me cry...
Well, darlin, considering that I AM old, and you have seen my hubby who has a bit of mileage on him....
I like that in a man. Experience wins out over youth and stamina every time in my book. Older men just KNOW what to do and they have the patience to get it done. ;-)
And Viggo IS hot! *g*
Leigh - You better like older men baby doll, cause you're stuck with one.
Love, Your very own Viggio
I guess my husband reads this blog - lol - look at his annonymous post here. Snicker.
Anyway, thanks for all the comments, ladies. Maybe I should do a rant about Colin Farrel?!?! He's hot too. Heehee.
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